detachSubscription method

Future<DetachSubscriptionResponse> detachSubscription({
  1. int retries = 5,
  2. required String subscription,

Detaches a subscription from this topic. All messages retained in the subscription are dropped. Subsequent Pull and StreamingPull requests will return FAILED_PRECONDITION. If the subscription is a push subscription, pushes to the endpoint will stop.

The subscription can be the simple name or the the fully quantified format: projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}


Future<DetachSubscriptionResponse> detachSubscription({
  int retries = 5,
  required String subscription,
}) async {
  _logger.fine('[detachSubscription]: start -- [$subscription]');
  try {
    return await _execute(
      executor: () async {
        final result = await _pubsubApi.projects.subscriptions.detach(
              ? subscription
              : 'projects/$_projectId/subscriptions/$subscription',

        return result;
      retries: retries,
  } finally {
    _logger.fine('[detachSubscription]: complete -- [$subscription]');