Rest api client
Abstraction for communicating with REST API in flutter projects. Incorporates exception handling and jwt with refresh token authorization. You can also find this package on pub as rest_api_client
//This must be called once per application lifetime
await RestApiClient.initFlutter();
IRestApiClient restApiClient = RestApiClient(
restApiClientOptions: RestApiClientOptions(
//Defines your base API url eg.
baseUrl: '',
//Toggle logging of your requests and responses
//to the console while debugging
logNetworkTraffic: true,
//Sets the flag deciding if the instance of restApiClient should retry to
//submit the request after the device reconnects to the network
keepRetryingOnNetworkError: true,
//Define refresh token endpoint for RestApiClient
//instance to use the first time response status code is 401
refreshTokenEndpoint: '/Authentication/RefreshToken',
//Define the name of your api parameter name
//on RefreshToken endpoint eg. 'refreshToken' or 'value' ...
refreshTokenParameterName: 'refreshToken',
//This method is called on successfull call to refreshTokenEndpoint
//Provides a way to get a jwt from response, much like
//resolveValidationErrorsMap callback
resolveJwt: (response) => response['jwt'],
//Much like resolveJwt, this method is used to resolve
//refresh token from response
resolveRefreshToken: (response) => response['refreshToken'],
//If your api returns validation errors different from
//default format that is['validationErrors']
//you can override it by providing this callback
resolveValidationErrorsMap: (response) => response['errors']['validation'],
//init must be called, preferably right after the instantiation
await restApiClient.init();
//Use restApiClient from this point on
If you are using authentication in your app probably it would look something like this
final response = await
data: {
'username': 'john',
'password': 'Flutter_is_awesome1!'
final jwt =['jwt'];
final refreshToken =['refreshToken'];
Let's asume that somehow we got jwt and refresh token, you probably pinged your api Authentication endpoint to get these two values.
final jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwiZmx1dHRlciI6IkZsdXR0ZXIgaXMgYXdlc29tZSIsImNoYWxsZW5nZSI6IllvdSBtYWRlIGl0LCB5b3UgY3JhY2tlZCB0aGUgY29kZS4gWW91J3JlIGF3ZXNvbWUgdG9vLiIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.5QJz8hhxYsHxShS4hWKdHzcFH_IsQQZAnWSEcHJkspE';
final refreshToken = 'c91c03ea6c46a86cbc019be3d71d0a1a';
//set the authorization
restApiClient.addAuthorization(jwt: jwt, refreshToken: refreshToken);
//Create authorized requests safely
Add parameters to your requests
queryParameters: {
'name': 'darts'
Ignore server errors that might happen in the next request
restApiClient.exceptionOptions.showInternalServerErrors = false;
try {
queryParameters: {
'name': 'darts'
} catch (e) {
Ignore all exceptions that might happen in the next request
//Possible errors are ignored for this request
data: {
'grade': 5,
'comment': 'Throwing darts is not safe but upgrading to dart ^2.12.1 is. #nullsafety'
//Possible errors are handled for this request
data: {
'grade': 5,
'comment': 'On the other hand throwing dartz is fun',
- constants/_all
- constants/keys
- exceptions/_all
- exceptions/base_exception
- exceptions/forbidden_exception
- exceptions/network_error_exception
- exceptions/server_error_exception
- exceptions/validation_exception
- implementations/_all
- implementations/default/_all
- implementations/default/dio_connectivity_request_retrier
- implementations/default/rest_api_client
- interfaces/_all
- interfaces/i_rest_api_client
- options/_all
- options/base_exception_options
- options/logging_options
- options/rest_api_client_options
- rest_api_client