ResponsiveCircleAvatar constructor

  1. dynamic key,
  2. dynamic child,
  3. dynamic backgroundColor,
  4. dynamic backgroundImage,
  5. dynamic foregroundImage,
  6. dynamic onBackgroundImageError,
  7. dynamic onForegroundImageError,
  8. dynamic foregroundColor,
  9. dynamic radius,
  10. dynamic minRadius,
  11. dynamic maxRadius,
  12. double scaleWatch = 0.6,
  13. double scaleSmallPhone = 0.89,
  14. double scaleMediumPhone = 1.0,
  15. double scaleLargePhone = 1.5,
  16. double scaleSmallTablet = 1.8,
  17. double scaleMediumTablet = 2.0,
  18. double scaleLargeTablet = 2.5,
  19. double scaleMediumDesktop = 3.0,
  20. double scaleLargeDesktop = 3.6,
  21. double scaleTelevision = 4.2,
  22. StrutStyle? strutStyle,
  23. TextAlign? textAlign,
  24. TextDirection? textDirection,
  25. Locale? locale,
  26. bool? softWrap,
  27. TextOverflow? overflow,
  28. double? textScaleFactor,
  29. int? maxLines,
  30. String? semanticsLabel,
  31. TextWidthBasis? textWidthBasis,
  32. TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior,

Constructs a responsive circle avatar, that accepts a scalable radius.

@param scaleWatch The responsive scale for watch devices (default: 0.6)

@param scaleSmallPhone The responsive scale for small phone devices (default:1.0)

@param scaleMediumPhone The responsive scale for medium phone devices (default: 1.0)

@param scaleLargePhone The responsive scale for large phone devices (default: 1.5)

@param scaleSmallTablet The responsive scale for small tablet devices (default: 1.8)

@param scaleMediumTablet The responsive scale for medium tablet devices (default: 2.0)

@param scaleLargeTablet The responsive scale for large tablet devices (default: 2.5)

@param scaleMediumDesktop The responsive scale for medium desktop devices (default: 3.0)

@param scaleLargeDesktop The responsive scale for large desktop devices (default: 3.6)

@param scaleTelevision The responsive scale for TV devices (default: 4.2)


  double scaleWatch = 0.6,
  double scaleSmallPhone = 0.89,
  double scaleMediumPhone = 1.0,
  double scaleLargePhone = 1.5,
  double scaleSmallTablet = 1.8,
  double scaleMediumTablet = 2.0,
  double scaleLargeTablet = 2.5,
  double scaleMediumDesktop = 3.0,
  double scaleLargeDesktop = 3.6,
  double scaleTelevision = 4.2,
  StrutStyle? strutStyle,
  TextAlign? textAlign,
  TextDirection? textDirection,
  Locale? locale,
  bool? softWrap,
  TextOverflow? overflow,
  double? textScaleFactor,
  int? maxLines,
  String? semanticsLabel,
  TextWidthBasis? textWidthBasis,
  TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior,
}) : super(
  scaleWatch: scaleWatch,
  scaleSmallPhone: scaleSmallPhone,
  scaleMediumPhone: scaleMediumPhone,
  scaleLargePhone: scaleLargePhone,
  scaleSmallTablet: scaleSmallTablet,
  scaleMediumTablet: scaleMediumTablet,
  scaleLargeTablet: scaleLargeTablet,
  scaleMediumDesktop: scaleMediumDesktop,
  scaleLargeDesktop: scaleLargeDesktop,
  scaleTelevision: scaleTelevision
  ) {
      set('key', key)
      .set('child', child)
      .set('backgroundColor', backgroundColor)
      .set('backgroundImage', backgroundImage)
      .set('foregroundImage', foregroundImage)
      .set('onBackgroundImageError', onBackgroundImageError)
      .set('onForegroundImageError', onForegroundImageError)
      .set('foregroundColor', foregroundColor)
      .set('radius', radius)
      .set('minRadius', minRadius)
      .set('maxRadius', maxRadius);