ResponsiveColumn.fill constructor

  1. int offset = 0,
  2. int order = 0,
  3. ResponsiveCrossAlignment? crossAxisAlignment,
  4. required Widget child,

Creates a column that fills the remaining space in the run of a ResponsiveRow

A fill column won't become smaller than the minIntrinsicWidth of its child.

If a run contains one or multiple fill columns, a column will not wrap until all fill columns have been reduced to their smallest size based on their children.


  int offset = 0,
  int order = 0,
  ResponsiveCrossAlignment? crossAxisAlignment,
  required Widget child,
}) : this._(
        child: child,
        type: ResponsiveColumnType.fill,
        offset: offset,
        order: order,
        crossAxisAlignment: crossAxisAlignment,