width static method

double width(
  1. double designedWidth, {
  2. double? maxWidth,

return a reasonable width value.

if maxWidth is null then the value will be at most designedWidth logical pixel otherwise, the value will be at most maxWidth logical pixels.

value can be any double between zero and maximum width.


static double width(
  double designedWidth, {
  double? maxWidth,
}) {
  final orientation = _orientation;
  if (orientation == Orientation.portrait) {
    final _width = _screenWidth * designedWidth / _designedDeviceWidth;
    if (maxWidth == null) {
      if (_width <= designedWidth) {
        return _width;
      } else {
        return designedWidth;
    } else {
      return _comparator(
        value: designedWidth,
        maxValue: maxWidth,
  } else {
    final _width = _screenWidth * designedWidth / _designedDeviceHeight;
    if (maxWidth == null) {
      if (_width <= designedWidth) {
        return _width;
      } else {
        return designedWidth;
    } else {
      return _comparator(
        value: designedWidth,
        maxValue: maxWidth,