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The ResponsiveLayoutGrid creates a Responsive Layout Grid as defined in the Material design guidelines

The ResponsiveLayoutGrid is made up of columns and gutters, providing a convenient layout structure for elements within the body region.

As the width of the body region grows or shrinks, the number of grid columns and column widths change in response.


See the live web demo including source code


The ResponsiveLayoutGrid has the following constructor parameters:

  • minimumColumnWidth
  • maxNumberOfColumns
  • columnGutterWidth
  • rowGutterHeight
  • padding
  • children (the cells)
  • layoutFactory (that determines the position of the cells)

The ResponsiveLayoutGrid has children, named cells.

  • Cells align with the column grid to create a logical and consistent layout experience across screen sizes and orientations:
  • Cells are Widgets
  • Cells can span one or more columns
  • Cells are separated with gutters (separation space)

It is recommended to always directly wrap a ResponsiveLayoutGrid in a SingleChildScrollView so that the user can vertically scroll trough all cells, even when they do not all fit in the viewport.


You can wrap your cell Widgets with a ResponsiveLayoutCell when you are using the DefaultLayoutFactory, so that you can provide the following information of the cell Widget (the child):


A ColumnSpan tells the DefaultLayoutFactory how many columns a ResponsiveLayoutCell may span.

There is a min, preferred and max value. The DefaultLayoutFactory will try to use these values, but may also decide to use different values e.g.:


A ResponsiveLayoutCell has a CellPosition. There are 2 types:

  • nextColumn: The cell is to be positioned on the next available column. This could be on the next row if there aren't enough empty columns on the current row.
  • nextRow: The cell is to be positioned on a new row. You can set the RowAlignment or RowHeight for every new row.


The RowAlignment can be set when a CellPosition.nextRow is used in a ResponsiveLayoutCell. It can be one of the following values:

  • left: Align all cells on the left side of the row
  • right: Align all cells on the right side of the row
  • center: Try to align all cells in the middle of the row by increasing or decreasing the ColumnSpan of one of the cells if needed.
  • justify: Try to fill the row from left to right by increasing or decreasing the ColumnSpans of the cells if needed.


The RowHeight is used as a parameter in CellPosition.nextRow. It defines the height the following row.

There are 2 types of row heights:

  • highestCell: The row will get the height of the highest ResponsiveLayoutCell
  • expanded: The row will get the remaining available height. If multiple rows are expanded, the available space is divided among them according to the minHeight, but also respecting maxHeight.

Both types can have a minHeight and a maxHeight

The minHeight of the ResponsiveLayoutCell:

The maxHeight of the ResponsiveLayoutCell:


The ResponsiveLayoutFactory is responsible for creating a Layout. It orders the children into a Layout with a given number of columns.

The ResponsiveLayoutGrid uses a DefaultLayoutFactory by default.

You could create your own ResponsiveLayoutFactory if you need to do something outside the box. See example.