Responsive kit is a flutter library which simplifies/assists in creating responsive UI in Flutter. Designs on specific screen sizes can be converted using functions to become responsive in different screen sizes.

As shown in the screen, margin around blue square and circle are constant. These widgets are responsive according to the black rectangle.


Call init method (important)

Initialize SizeConfig.init in main.dart under build method.

SizeConfig().init(context, height, width);
parameter description
context BuildContext in init of main.dart
height height is the height of the frame in design files. Which represents total no of pixels
width width is the width of the frame in design files. Which represents total no of pixels

Get values

These functions return responsive values according to screensize in double.

  • height
  • width
  • font size
  • bottom margin
SizeConfig().getMyDynamicHeight(heightInDesignFile, maxlimit: maxlimit);
SizeConfig().getMyDynamicFontSize(fontSizeInDesignFile, maxlimit: maxlimit);
SizeConfig().getMyDynamicWidth(widthInDesignFile, maxlimit: maxlimit);


parameter description
heightInDesignFile is the height factor according to the device designer in design files
widthInDesignFile is the width factor according to the device designer in design files
maxlimit is the maximum value that the variable will be limited to
fontSizeInDesignFile which is the font factor according to the device designer in design files

Use in widgets

    height: SizeConfig().getMyDynamicHeight(200),
    width: SizeConfig().getMyDynamicWidth(100),
    color: Colors.amber.shade100;,

Other Functionalities

variables description
horizontalBlock If screen width is divided into 100 pixels after subtracting horizontal safe area it returns 1 pixel i.e. 1/100th of screen width
verticalBlock If screen height is divided into 100 pixels it returns 1 pixel i.e. 1/100th of screen height.
screenHeight height of screen using MediaQuery
screenWidth width of screen using MediaQuery
statusBarPadding get stausBarPadding using MediaQuery

