getValueForScreenType<T> function

T getValueForScreenType<T>({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. required T mobile,
  3. T? tablet,
  4. T? desktop,
  5. T? watch,

Will return one of the values passed in for the device it's running on


T getValueForScreenType<T>({
  required BuildContext context,
  required T mobile,
  T? tablet,
  T? desktop,
  T? watch,
}) {
  var deviceScreenType = getDeviceType(MediaQuery.of(context).size);
  // If we're at desktop size
  if (deviceScreenType == DeviceScreenType.desktop) {
    // If we have supplied the desktop layout then display that
    if (desktop != null) return desktop;
    // If no desktop layout is supplied we want to check if we have the size below it and display that
    if (tablet != null) return tablet;

  if (deviceScreenType == DeviceScreenType.tablet) {
    if (tablet != null) return tablet;

  if (deviceScreenType == && watch != null) {
    return watch;

  if (deviceScreenType == {
    if (mobile != null) return mobile;

  // If none of the layouts above are supplied we use the prefered layout based on the flag
  final buildDesktopLayout = ResponsiveAppUtil.preferDesktop && desktop != null;

  return buildDesktopLayout ? desktop : mobile;