RespCommandsTier1 class

Commands of tier 1 always return a RespType. It is up to the consumer to convert the result correctly into the concrete subtype.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tier0 RespCommandsTier0


auth(String password) Future<RespType>
blpop(List<String> keys, int timeout) Future<RespType>
brpop(List<String> keys, int timeout) Future<RespType>
brpoplpush(String source, String destination, int timeout) Future<RespType>
clientList({ClientType? type, List<String> ids = const []}) Future<RespType>
dbsize() Future<RespType>
decr(String key) Future<RespType>
decrby(String key, int decrement) Future<RespType>
del(List<String> keys) Future<RespType>
discard() Future<RespType>
exec() Future<RespType>
exists(List<String> keys) Future<RespType>
flushAll({bool? doAsync}) Future<RespType>
flushDb({bool? doAsync}) Future<RespType>
get(String key) Future<RespType>
hdel(String key, List<String> fields) Future<RespType>
hexists(String key, String field) Future<RespType>
hget(String key, String field) Future<RespType>
hgetall(String key) Future<RespType>
hkeys(String key) Future<RespType>
hmget(String key, List<String> fields) Future<RespType>
hmset(String key, Map<String, String> keysAndValues) Future<RespType>
hset(String key, String field, Object value) Future<RespType>
hsetnx(String key, String field, Object value) Future<RespType>
hvals(String key) Future<RespType>
incr(String key) Future<RespType>
incrby(String key, int increment) Future<RespType>
info([String? section]) Future<RespType>
lindex(String key, int index) Future<RespType>
linsert(String key, InsertMode insertMode, Object pivot, Object value) Future<RespType>
llen(String key) Future<RespType>
lpop(String key) Future<RespType>
lpush(String key, List<Object> values) Future<RespType>
lpushx(String key, List<Object> values) Future<RespType>
lrange(String key, int start, int stop) Future<RespType>
lrem(String key, int count, Object value) Future<RespType>
lset(String key, int index, Object value) Future<RespType>
ltrim(String key, int start, int stop) Future<RespType>
multi() Future<RespType>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pexpire(String key, Duration timeout) Future<RespType>
publish(String channel, Object message) Future<RespType>
rpop(String key) Future<RespType>
rpoplpush(String source, String destination) Future<RespType>
rpush(String key, List<Object> values) Future<RespType>
rpushx(String key, List<Object> values) Future<RespType>
scan(int cursor, {String? pattern, int? count}) Future<RespType>
select(int index) Future<RespType>
set(String key, Object value, {ExpireMode? expire, SetMode? mode, bool get = false}) Future<RespType>
subscribe(List<String> channels) Future<RespType>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
ttl(String key) Future<RespType>
unsubscribe(Iterable<String> channels) Future<RespType>
unwatch() Future<RespType>
watch(List<String> keys) Future<RespType>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.