stream method

Stream<Resource<V>> stream(
  1. K key, {
  2. bool? forceReload,
  3. void doOnStore(
    1. V
  4. ResourceFetchArguments? fetchArguments,
  5. bool allowEmptyLoading = false,

Creates a stream by key. It emits the cached data, then the fetch result if provided, and after that any changes to the resource due to reloading or invalidating the resource.


Stream<Resource<V>> stream(
  K key, {
  bool? forceReload,
  void Function(V)? doOnStore,
  ResourceFetchArguments? fetchArguments,
  bool allowEmptyLoading = false,
}) {
  final force = forceReload ?? _firstLoad[key] ?? true;
  _firstLoad[key] = false;
  return _ensureResource(key)
      .switchMap((resource) => resource.load(
            forceReload: force,
            doOnStore: doOnStore,
            allowEmptyLoading: allowEmptyLoading,
            fetchArguments: fetchArguments,