RPTimerStep constructor

  1. required String identifier,
  2. required String title,
  3. bool optional = false,
  4. required Duration timeout,
  5. bool playSound = false,
  6. bool autoSkip = false,
  7. bool showTime = true,
  8. String? footnote,

Creates a RPTimerStep with an identifier, title and timeout.

The RPTimerStep is a step in which the user waits for timeout before being allowed to proceed. If showTime is true, a count down is shown.

When the time is up, a sound is played if playSound is true and automatically moves to the next step, if autoSkip is true.


  required super.identifier,
  required super.title,
  required this.timeout,
  this.playSound = false,
  this.autoSkip = false,
  this.showTime = true,