questionReadyToProceed property

Stream<bool> questionReadyToProceed

The function to send RPQuestionBodyResult through a stream

Usually used by a QuestionBody like RPUIQuestionBody to convey it's result to its RPUIQuestionStep container. Use to send the actual AnswerValue to the QuestionContainer so that it can create the RPStepResult object. The stream through which booleans are flowing The RPUIQuestionStep listens to this stream so it's notified if it can navigate to the next step


//  Function(RPQuestionBodyResult) get sendResultValue => _questionBodyResultController.sink.add;

//Retrieve data from stream

/// The stream through which booleans are flowing
/// The [RPUIQuestionStep] listens to this stream so it's notified if it can
/// navigate to the next step
Stream<bool> get questionReadyToProceed =>;