repoCase top-level constant

RepoCase const repoCase

Annotation for repo_case package

Annotate your repository class with @RepoCase() or @repoCase to automatically generate usecase classes for each method inside the repository

NOTE: The repository class must be abstract!

abstract class Repository {
  void method1();
  int method2(String param);
  Future<String> method3(int param1, int param2);

class RepositoryImpl implements Repository {
  // Concrete implementation

The code example above will generate three classes, each having a call method that calls the respective function in the repository:

  • Method1Repo, which calls repository.method1()
  • Method2Repo, which calls repository.method2()
  • Method3Repo, which calls repository.method3()

Check out the offical documentation for more details and examples.

Created by Sandro Maglione


const repoCase = RepoCase();