solana/solana_web3/src/rpc/models/index library
T> - Account Info
- AccountsFilter
- Accounts Filter
- Block
- Block
- BlockCommitment
- Block Commitment
- BlockhashCache
- Blockhash Cache
- BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight
- Blockhash With Expiry Block Height
- BlockProduction
- Block Production
- ClusterNode
- Cluster Node
- ConfirmedSignatureInfo
- Confirmed Signature Info
- DataSlice
- Data Slice
- EpochInfo
- Epoch Info
- EpochSchedule
- Epoch Schedule
- HighestSnapshotSlot
- Highest Snapshot Slot
- Identity
- Identity
- InflationGovernor
- Inflation Governor
- InflationRate
- Inflation Rate
- InflationReward
- Inflation Reward
- InnerInstruction
- Inner Instruction
- LargeAccount
- Large Account
- LoadedAddress
- Loaded Address
T extends Object> - Logs Filter
- LogsNotification
- Logs Notification
- Meta
- Meta
- MintAccountInfo
- Mint Account Info
- NonceWithMinContextSlot
- Nonce with Min Context Slot
- PerformanceSample
- Performance Sample
- PrioritizationFee
- Prioritization Fee
- ProgramAccount
- ProgramAccount
- ProgramAddress
- Program Address
- Reward
- Reward
- SignatureNotification
- Signature Notification
- SignatureStatus
- Signature Status
- SlotNotification
- Slot Notification
- SlotRange
- Slot Range
- StakeAccount
- Stake Account
- StakeAccountInfo
- Stake Account Info
- StakeActivation
- Stake Activation
- Supply
- Supply
- TokenAccount
- Token Account
- TokenAccountInfo
- Token Account Info
- TokenAccountsFilter
- Token Accounts Filter
- TokenAmount
- Token Amount
- TokenBalance
- Token Balance
T extends Object> - Transaction Data
T extends Object> - Transaction Info
- TransactionStatus
- Transaction Status
- UITokenAmount
- UI Token Amount
- Version
- Version
- VoteAccount
- Vote Account
- VoteAccountStatus
- Vote Account Status
= Map<
String, List> - Validator identities, as base-58 encoded strings, and their corresponding leader slot indices as values (indices are relative to the first slot in the requested epoch).