create static method

TransactionInstruction create({
  1. required Pubkey fundingAccount,
  2. required Pubkey associatedTokenAccount,
  3. required Pubkey associatedTokenAccountOwner,
  4. required Pubkey tokenMint,

Creates an associated token account for the given wallet address and token mint.

Returns an error if the account exists.


  • [w,s] fundingAccount - Funding account (must be a system account).
  • [w] associatedTokenAccount - Associated token account address to be created.
  • [] associatedTokenAccountOwner - Wallet address for the new associated token account.
  • [] tokenMint - The token mint for the new associated token account.


static TransactionInstruction create({
  required final Pubkey fundingAccount,
  required final Pubkey associatedTokenAccount,
  required final Pubkey associatedTokenAccountOwner,
  required final Pubkey tokenMint,
}) {
  return _createInstruction(
    fundingAccount: fundingAccount,
    associatedTokenAccount: associatedTokenAccount,
    associatedTokenAccountOwner: associatedTokenAccountOwner,
    tokenMint: tokenMint,