disconnect method
Disconnects the session and pairing, if any. If there is no session, this does nothing.
Future<void> disconnect({bool disconnectAllSessions = true}) async {
_status = ReownAppKitModalStatus.initializing;
if (_currentSession?.sessionService.isCoinbase == true) {
try {
await _coinbaseService.resetSession();
} catch (e) {
_appKit.core.logger.d('[$runtimeType] disconnect coinbase $e');
_status = ReownAppKitModalStatus.initialized;
if (_currentSession?.sessionService.isPhantom == true) {
try {
await _phantomService.disconnect();
} catch (e) {
_appKit.core.logger.d('[$runtimeType] disconnect phantom $e');
_status = ReownAppKitModalStatus.initialized;
if (_currentSession?.sessionService.isMagic == true) {
try {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300));
await _magicService.disconnect();
} catch (e) {
_appKit.core.logger.d('[$runtimeType] disconnect magic $e');
_status = ReownAppKitModalStatus.initialized;
try {
// If we want to disconnect all sessions, loop through them and disconnect them
if (disconnectAllSessions) {
for (final SessionData session in _appKit.sessions.getAll()) {
await _disconnectSession(session.pairingTopic, session.topic);
} else {
// Disconnect the session
await _disconnectSession(
try {
if (_siweService.signOutOnDisconnect) {
await _siweService.signOut();
} catch (_) {}
if (!(_currentSession?.sessionService.isWC == true)) {
// if sessionService.isWC then _cleanSession() is being called on sessionDelete event
return await _cleanSession();
} catch (e) {
_status = ReownAppKitModalStatus.initialized;