getFieldLabel method
Returns the label of a field in Frappé.
If the field exists withing the doctype
, the title case equivalent is returned.
For example, full_name of User doctype will return 'Full Name'.
If the doctype or the field doesn't exist, fieldName
is returned.
Future<String?> getFieldLabel(
{required String doctype, required String fieldName}) async {
final response = await getDocMeta(doctype: doctype);
dynamic label = fieldName;
final standardFields = <String, String>{
'name': 'Name',
'docStatus': 'DocStatus'
if (standardFields.containsKey(fieldName)) {
label = standardFields[fieldName];
if (!response.isSuccess) {
config.logger.e('getFieldLabel: Failed to read docmeta');
} else {
final docMeta =!;
var field =
docMeta.fields!.singleWhereOrNull((f) => f.fieldName == fieldName);
field ??= docMeta.disabledFields!
.singleWhereOrNull((f) => f.fieldName == fieldName);
if (field != null) {
label = field.label;
} else {
label = toTitleCase(label);
return config.coreInstance.translate.getMessage(txt: label);