genericError static method

ErrorDetail genericError(
  1. ErrorDetail? errorDetail

A generic method to parse a GenericError. The following is achieved on the object:

  • Set type as GenericError by default if not already set
  • Set title as 'Generic Error` by default if not already set


static ErrorDetail genericError(ErrorDetail? errorDetail) {
  if (errorDetail == null) {
    return ErrorDetail(
        title: RenovationController.GENERIC_ERROR_TITLE,
        type: RenovationError.GenericError,
        info: Information(httpCode: 400));

  return errorDetail
    ..title = errorDetail.title ?? RenovationController.GENERIC_ERROR_TITLE
    ..type = errorDetail.type ?? RenovationError.GenericError = != null
        ? (!..httpCode = ?? 400)
        : Information(httpCode: 400);