setExternalSession method

  1. @override
Future<RequestResponse<FrappeSessionStatusInfo?>> setExternalSession(
  1. FrappeSessionStatusInfo? sessionStatusInfo

Sets the session locally obtained externally and validates against the backend.

Useful when a custom API returns a session object, "Sign Up", for instance.

The session must be valid. In case the session is to be cleared, use logout.


Future<RequestResponse<FrappeSessionStatusInfo?>> setExternalSession(
    FrappeSessionStatusInfo? sessionStatusInfo) async {
  assert(sessionStatusInfo != null || sessionStatusInfo?.user != null,
      'Only a valid session can be set.\nUse .logout() if you want to clear the session');
  if (_useJwt) {
    assert(sessionStatusInfo?.token != null, 'Token missing in the session');
  // If JWT is used, set the token.
  if (_useJwt) {
  return await verifySessionWithBackend(
    sessionStatusInfo!..currentUser = sessionStatusInfo.user,
    shouldUpdateSession: true,