checkLogin method

  1. @override
Future<RequestResponse<FrappeSessionStatusInfo?>> checkLogin({
  1. bool? shouldUpdateSession = true,

Checks the session's status (Whether the user is logged in or not) and returns it as FrappeSessionStatusInfo.

If it exists locally, the status will be compared between the server's session.

Only if shouldUpdateSession is set to true, the sessionStatus will be updated.

By default, sessionStatus is updated.


Future<RequestResponse<FrappeSessionStatusInfo?>> checkLogin(
    {bool? shouldUpdateSession = true}) async {
  var currentSession = getSession();
  if (currentSession != null && currentSession.loggedIn == true) {
    return await verifySessionWithBackend(currentSession,
        shouldUpdateSession: shouldUpdateSession);
  } else {
    // no login info or not logged in
    currentSession = FrappeSessionStatusInfo(false,
        ( / 1000).floor().toDouble());
        ErrorDetail(info: Information(httpCode: 403, data: currentSession)));