changePassword method

  1. @override
Future<RequestResponse<bool?>> changePassword({
  1. required String oldPassword,
  2. required String newPassword,

Changes the password of the currently logged in user.

Validates the old (current) password before changing it.

Validates for compliance with the Password Policy (zxcvbn).


Future<RequestResponse<bool?>> changePassword({
  required String oldPassword,
  required String newPassword,
}) async {
  await getFrappe().checkAppInstalled(features: ['changePassword']);

  assert(oldPassword.isNotEmpty && newPassword.isNotEmpty,
      'Passwords cannot be empty');
  assert(isLoggedIn, 'Need to be signed in to change password');

  final response = await Request.initiateRequest(
    url: config.hostUrl,
    method: HttpMethod.POST,
    contentType: ContentTypeLiterals.APPLICATION_JSON,
    data: <String, dynamic>{
      'cmd': 'renovation_core.utils.auth.change_password',
      'old_password': oldPassword,
      'new_password': newPassword

  if (response.isSuccess) {
    return RequestResponse.success(
      rawResponse: response.rawResponse,
  } else {
    return'change_pwd', response.error)) = false;