readFileAsLineByline method

Future<List<String?>> readFileAsLineByline({
  1. required String filePath,

Reads a file line by line. Parameters:

  • filePath: The path of the file to be read. Returns: Future<List<String?>>, a list of lines in the file. Throws FileReadException if there is an error reading the file.


Future<List<String?>> readFileAsLineByline({
  required String filePath,
}) async {
  try {
    var fileAsString = await File(filePath).readAsString();
    var fileContent = fileAsString.split('\n');
      fileContent: fileContent,
      filePath: filePath,
    return fileContent;
  } catch (e) {
    throw FileReadException(
      filePath: filePath,
      platform: platform,
      details: e.toString(),