changeAndroidAppName method

Future<File?> changeAndroidAppName(
  1. String? appName


Future<File?> changeAndroidAppName(String? appName) async {
  List? contentLineByLine = await readFileAsLineByline(
    filePath: androidManifestPath,
  if (checkFileExists(contentLineByLine)) {
    Android AppName could not be changed because,
    The related file could not be found in that path:  $androidManifestPath
    return null;
  for (var i = 0; i < contentLineByLine!.length; i++) {
    if (contentLineByLine[i].contains('android:label=')) {
      contentLineByLine[i] = '        android:label=\"$appName\"';
  var writtenFile = await writeFile(
    filePath: androidManifestPath,
    content: contentLineByLine.join('\n'),
  logger.i('Android appname changed successfully to : $appName');
  return writtenFile;