generateUniqueId method
Future<Set<String>> generateUniqueId({
required String localityCode,
required String loggedInUserId,
required bool returnCombinedIds,
}) async {
DeviceInfoPlugin deviceInfo = DeviceInfoPlugin();
AndroidDeviceInfo androidInfo = await deviceInfo.androidInfo;
// Get the Android ID
String androidId = androidInfo.serialNumber == 'unknown'
?'.', '')
: androidInfo.serialNumber;
// Get current timestamp
int timestamp =;
// Combine the Android ID with the timestamp
String combinedId = '$loggedInUserId$androidId$localityCode$timestamp';
// Generate SHA-256 hash
List<int> bytes = utf8.encode(combinedId);
Digest sha256Hash = sha256.convert(bytes);
// Convert the hash to a 12-character string and make it uppercase
String hashString = sha256Hash.toString();
String uniqueId = hashString.substring(0, 12).toUpperCase();
// Add a hyphen every 4 characters, except the last
String formattedUniqueId = uniqueId.replaceAllMapped(
(match) => '${}-',
// Remove the last hyphen
formattedUniqueId =
formattedUniqueId.substring(0, formattedUniqueId.length - 1);
if (kDebugMode) {
print('uniqueId : $formattedUniqueId');
return returnCombinedIds
? {formattedUniqueId, combinedId}
: {formattedUniqueId};