Official CLI for the Refreshed framework.
// To install:
pub global activate refreshed_cli
// (to use this add the following to system PATH: [FlutterSDKInstallDir]\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin
flutter pub global activate refreshed_cli
// To create a flutter project in the current directory:
get new project_name
// To generate the chosen structure on an existing project:
get init
// To create a page:
// (Pages have controller, view, and binding)
// Note: you can use any name, ex: `get create page:login`
// Nota: use this option if the chosen structure was GetX_pattern
get create page:home
// To create a screen
// (Screens have controller, view, and binding)
// Note: you can use any name, ex: `get screen page:login`
// Nota: use this option if the chosen structure was CLEAN (by Arktekko)
get create screen:home
// To create a new controller in a specific folder:
// Note: you don't need to reference the folder,
// Refreshed will search automatically for the home folder
// and add your controller there.
get create controller:dialogcontroller on home
// To create a new view in a specific folder:
// Note: you don't need to reference the folder,
// Refreshed will automatically search for the home folder
// and insert your view there.
get create view:dialogview on home
// To create a new provider in a specific folder:
get create provider:user on home
// To generate a localization file:
// Note: 'assets/locales' directory with your translation files in json format
get generate locales assets/locales
// To generate a class model:
// Note: 'assets/models/user.json' path of your template file in json format
// Note: on == folder output file
// Refreshed will automatically search for the home folder
// and insert your class model there.
get generate model on home with assets/models/user.json
//to generate the model without the provider
get generate model on home with assets/models/user.json --skipProvider
//Note: the URL must return a json format
get generate model on home from ""
// To install a package in your project (dependencies):
get install quickly
// To install several packages from your project:
get install quickly path camera
// To install a package with specific version:
get install quickly:5.6.0
// You can also specify several packages with version numbers
// To install a dev package in your project (dependencies_dev):
get install flutter_launcher_icons --dev
// To remove a package from your project:
get remove http
// To remove several packages from your project:
get remove http path
// To update CLI:
get update
// or `get upgrade`
// Shows the current CLI version:
get -v
// or `get version`
// For help
get help
- cli_config/cli_config
- commands/commands_list
- commands/impl/args_mixin
- commands/impl/commads_export
- commands/impl/create/controller/controller
- commands/impl/create/page/page
- commands/impl/create/provider/provider
- commands/impl/create/screen/screen
- commands/impl/create/view/view
- commands/impl/generate/locales/locales
- commands/impl/generate/model/model
- commands/impl/help/help
- commands/impl/init/flutter/init
- commands/impl/init/flutter/init_getx_pattern
- commands/impl/init/flutter/init_katteko
- commands/impl/install/install
- commands/impl/install/install_refreshed
- commands/impl/new/project/project
- commands/impl/remove/remove
- commands/impl/sort/sort
- commands/impl/update/update
- commands/impl/version/version
- commands/interface/command
- common/utils/json_serialize/helpers
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/error
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/json_ast
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/location
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/parse
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/parse_error_types
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/tokenize
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/tokenize_error_types
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/utils/grapheme_splitter
- common/utils/json_serialize/json_ast/utils/substring
- common/utils/json_serialize/model_generator
- common/utils/json_serialize/sintaxe
- common/utils/logger/log_utils
- common/utils/pub_dev/pub_dev_api
- common/utils/pubspec/pubspec_lock
- common/utils/pubspec/pubspec_utils
- common/utils/pubspec/yaml_to.string
- common/utils/shell/shel.utils
- core/generator
- core/internationalization
- core/locales.g
- core/structure
- exception_handler/exception_handler
- exception_handler/exceptions/cli_exception
- extensions
- extensions/dart_code
- extensions/list
- extensions/string
- functions/binding/add_dependencies
- functions/binding/find_bindings
- functions/create/create_list_directory
- functions/create/create_main
- functions/create/create_single_file
- functions/create/create_web
- functions/exports_files/add_export
- functions/find_file/find_file_by_name
- functions/find_file/find_folder_by_directory
- functions/formatter_dart_file/frommatter_dart_file
- functions/is_url/is_url
- functions/path/replace_to_relative
- functions/replace_vars/replace_vars
- functions/routes/arc_add_route
- functions/routes/get_add_route
- functions/routes/get_app_pages
- functions/routes/get_support_children
- functions/sorter_imports/sort
- functions/version/check_dev_version
- functions/version/print_get_cli
- functions/version/version_update
- models/file_model
- refreshed_cli
- samples/impl/analysis_options
- samples/impl/arctekko/arc_main
- samples/impl/arctekko/arc_routes
- samples/impl/arctekko/arc_screen
- samples/impl/arctekko/config_example
- samples/impl/generate_locales
- samples/impl/get_app_pages
- samples/impl/get_binding
- samples/impl/get_controller
- samples/impl/get_provider
- samples/impl/get_route
- samples/impl/get_view
- samples/impl/getx_pattern/get_main
- samples/interface/sample_interface