RxnStringExt extension



isEmpty bool?
Returns true if this string is empty.
no setter
isNotEmpty bool?
Returns true if this string is not empty.
no setter


allMatches(String string, [int start = 0]) Iterable<Match>?
compareTo(String other) int?
contains(Pattern other, [int startIndex = 0]) bool?
Returns true if this string contains a match of other:
endsWith(String other) bool?
Returns true if this string ends with other. For example:
indexOf(Pattern pattern, [int start = 0]) int?
Returns the position of the first match of pattern in this string
lastIndexOf(Pattern pattern, [int? start]) int?
Returns the starting position of the last match pattern in this string, searching backward starting at start, inclusive:
matchAsPrefix(String string, [int start = 0]) Match?
padLeft(int width, [String padding = " "]) String?
Pads this string on the left if it is shorter than width.
padRight(int width, [String padding = " "]) String?
Pads this string on the right if it is shorter than width. Return a new string that appends padding after this string one time for each position the length is less than width.
replaceAll(Pattern from, String replace) String?
Replaces all substrings that match from with replace.
split(Pattern pattern) List<String>?
Splits the string at matches of pattern and returns a list of substrings.
startsWith(Pattern pattern, [int index = 0]) bool?
Returns true if this string starts with a match of pattern.
substring(int startIndex, [int? endIndex]) String?
Returns the substring of this string that extends from startIndex, inclusive, to endIndex, exclusive
toLowerCase() String?
Converts all characters in this string to lower case. If the string is already in all lower case, this method returns this.
toUpperCase() String?
Converts all characters in this string to upper case. If the string is already in all upper case, this method returns this.
trim() String?
Returns the string without any leading and trailing whitespace.
trimLeft() String?
Returns the string without any leading whitespace.
trimRight() String?
Returns the string without any trailing whitespace.


operator +(String val) String