obx method
- NotifierBuilder<
T> widget, { - Widget onError(
- String? error
- Widget? onLoading,
- Widget? onEmpty,
- WidgetBuilder? onCustom,
Builds a widget based on the current state.
This method provides a convenient way to build widgets based on the state's status. It takes a NotifierBuilder function as a parameter, which defines the widget to be built based on the state's value.
Widget obx(
NotifierBuilder<T> widget, {
Widget Function(String? error)? onError,
Widget? onLoading,
Widget? onEmpty,
WidgetBuilder? onCustom,
}) =>
builder: (context) {
if (status.isLoading) {
return onLoading ??
const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
} else if (status.isError) {
return onError != null
? onError(status.errorMessage)
: Center(
child: Text("An error occurred: ${status.errorMessage}"),
} else if (status.isEmpty) {
return onEmpty ?? const SizedBox.shrink();
} else if (status.isSuccess) {
return widget(value);
} else if (status.isCustom) {
return onCustom?.call(context) ?? const SizedBox.shrink();
return widget(value);