RxnDoubleExt extension

Extension providing additional functionality for nullable double values wrapped in an Rx object.



sign double?
Returns the sign of the double's numerical value.
no setter


abs() double?
Returns the absolute value of this double.
ceil() int?
Returns the least integer no smaller than this.
ceilToDouble() double?
Returns the least integer double value no smaller than this.
floor() int?
Returns the greatest integer no greater than this.
floorToDouble() double?
Returns the greatest integer double value no greater than this.
round() int?
Returns the integer closest to this.
roundToDouble() double?
Returns the integer double value closest to this.
truncate() int?
Returns the integer obtained by discarding any fractional digits from this.
truncateToDouble() double?
Returns the integer double value obtained by discarding any fractional digits from this.


operator %(num other) double?
modulo operator.
operator *(num other) double?
Multiplication operator.
operator +(num other) Rx<double?>?
Addition operator.
operator -(num other) Rx<double?>?
Subtraction operator.
operator /(num other) double?
Division operator.
operator unary-() double?
Negate operator. */
operator ~/(num other) int?
Truncating division operator.