copyWith method

GetPage<T> copyWith({
  1. LocalKey? key,
  2. String? name,
  3. GetPageBuilder? page,
  4. bool? popGesture,
  5. Map<String, String>? parameters,
  6. String? title,
  7. Transition? transition,
  8. Curve? curve,
  9. Alignment? alignment,
  10. bool? maintainState,
  11. bool? opaque,
  12. List<BindingsInterface>? bindings,
  13. BindingsInterface<T>? binding,
  14. List<Bind>? binds,
  15. CustomTransition? customTransition,
  16. Duration? transitionDuration,
  17. Duration? reverseTransitionDuration,
  18. bool? fullscreenDialog,
  19. RouteSettings? settings,
  20. List<GetPage<T>>? children,
  21. GetPage? unknownRoute,
  22. List<GetMiddleware>? middlewares,
  23. bool? preventDuplicates,
  24. double gestureWidth(
    1. BuildContext context
  25. bool? participatesInRootNavigator,
  26. Object? arguments,
  27. bool? showCupertinoParallax,
  28. Completer<T?>? completer,
  29. bool? inheritParentPath,

Creates a copy of this GetPage with the given fields replaced by the new values.


GetPage<T> copyWith({
  LocalKey? key,
  String? name,
  GetPageBuilder? page,
  bool? popGesture,
  Map<String, String>? parameters,
  String? title,
  Transition? transition,
  Curve? curve,
  Alignment? alignment,
  bool? maintainState,
  bool? opaque,
  List<BindingsInterface<dynamic>>? bindings,
  BindingsInterface<T>? binding,
  List<Bind<dynamic>>? binds,
  CustomTransition? customTransition,
  Duration? transitionDuration,
  Duration? reverseTransitionDuration,
  bool? fullscreenDialog,
  RouteSettings? settings,
  List<GetPage<T>>? children,
  GetPage<dynamic>? unknownRoute,
  List<GetMiddleware<dynamic>>? middlewares,
  bool? preventDuplicates,
  double Function(BuildContext context)? gestureWidth,
  bool? participatesInRootNavigator,
  Object? arguments,
  bool? showCupertinoParallax,
  Completer<T?>? completer,
  bool? inheritParentPath,
}) =>
      key: key ?? this.key,
          participatesInRootNavigator ?? this.participatesInRootNavigator,
      preventDuplicates: preventDuplicates ?? this.preventDuplicates,
      name: name ??,
      page: page ??,
      popGesture: popGesture ?? this.popGesture,
      parameters: parameters ?? this.parameters,
      title: title ?? this.title,
      transition: transition ?? this.transition,
      curve: curve ?? this.curve,
      alignment: alignment ?? this.alignment,
      maintainState: maintainState ?? this.maintainState,
      opaque: opaque ?? this.opaque,
      bindings: bindings ?? this.bindings,
      binds: binds ?? this.binds,
      binding: binding ?? this.binding,
      customTransition: customTransition ?? this.customTransition,
      transitionDuration: transitionDuration ?? this.transitionDuration,
          reverseTransitionDuration ?? this.reverseTransitionDuration,
      fullscreenDialog: fullscreenDialog ?? this.fullscreenDialog,
      children: children ?? this.children,
      unknownRoute: unknownRoute ?? this.unknownRoute,
      middlewares: middlewares ?? this.middlewares,
      gestureWidth: gestureWidth ?? this.gestureWidth,
      arguments: arguments ?? this.arguments,
          showCupertinoParallax ?? this.showCupertinoParallax,
      completer: completer ?? this.completer,
      inheritParentPath: inheritParentPath ?? this.inheritParentPath,