NavigationExtension<T> extension

Extension providing navigation functionalities



arguments → dynamic
give current arguments
no setter
bottomBarHeight double
The distance from the bottom edge to the first unpadded pixel, in physical pixels.
no setter
context BuildContext?
give access to currentContext
no setter
currentRoute String
give name from current route
no setter
defaultDialogTransitionCurve Curve
Retrieves the default curve for dialog transitions.
no setter
defaultDialogTransitionDuration Duration
Retrieves the default duration for dialog transitions.
no setter
defaultOpaqueRoute bool
Retrieves the default setting for using opaque routes.
no setter
defaultPopGesture bool
Retrieves the default setting for enabling the back gesture.
no setter
defaultTransition Transition?
Retrieves the default transition setting.
no setter
defaultTransitionCurve Curve
Retrieves the default curve for transitions.
no setter
defaultTransitionDuration Duration
Retrieves the default duration for transitions.
no setter
deviceLocale Locale?
Retrieves the locale of the device.
no setter
engine WidgetsBinding
The current null safe WidgetsBinding
no setter
focusScope FocusNode?
give access to FocusScope.of(context)
no setter
height double
The vertical extent of this size
no setter
iconColor Color?
give access to Theme.of(context).iconTheme.color
no setter
isBottomSheetOpen bool?
check if bottomsheet is open
no setter
isDarkMode bool
Check if dark mode theme is enable
no setter
isDialogOpen bool?
check if dialog is open
no setter
isOpaqueRouteDefault bool
check if default opaque route is enable
no setter
isOverlaysClosed bool
Returns true if there is no Snackbar, Dialog or BottomSheet open
no setter
isOverlaysOpen bool
Returns true if a Snackbar, Dialog or BottomSheet is currently OPEN
no setter
isPlatformDarkMode bool
Check if dark mode theme is enable on platform on android Q+
no setter
isPopGestureEnable bool
check if popGesture is enable
no setter
isSnackbarOpen bool
check if snackbar is open
no setter
key GlobalKey<NavigatorState>
Retrieves the global key for accessing the navigator state.
no setter
keys Map<String, GetDelegate>
Retrieves a map of keys associated with Refreshed delegates.
no setter
mediaQuery MediaQueryData
give access to Mediaquery.of(context)
no setter
overlayContext BuildContext?
give access to current Overlay Context
no setter
parameters Map<String, String?>
Retrieves the parameters associated with the current route.
getter/setter pair
pixelRatio double
The number of device pixels for each logical pixel.
no setter
previousRoute String
give name from previous route
no setter
rawRoute Route?
check a raw current route
no setter
rootController GetRootState<T>
Retrieves the root controller state.
no setter
routing Routing
Retrieves the current routing configuration.
no setter
size Size
Retrieves the size of the application window.
no setter
statusBarHeight double
The distance from the top edge to the first unpadded pixel, in physical pixels.
no setter
testMode bool
Retrieves the current test mode status.
getter/setter pair
textScaleFactor double
The system-reported text scale.
no setter
textTheme TextTheme
give access to TextTheme.of(context)
no setter
theme ThemeData
give access to Theme.of(context)
no setter
width double
The horizontal extent of this size.
no setter
window PlatformDispatcher
The window to which this binding is bound.
no setter


addKey(GlobalKey<NavigatorState> newKey) GlobalKey<NavigatorState>?
Function to add a new navigator key to the application.
appUpdate() → void
Function to trigger an application update.
back({T? result, bool canPop = true, int times = 1, String? id}) → void
Navigation.popUntil() shortcut.

backLegacy({T? result, bool closeOverlays = false, bool canPop = true, int times = 1, String? id}) Future<void>
Pop the current page, snackbar, dialog or bottomsheet in the stack
changeTheme(ThemeData theme) → void
Function to change the theme of the application.
changeThemeMode(ThemeMode themeMode) → void
Function to change the theme mode of the application.
close({bool closeAll = true, bool closeSnackbar = true, bool closeDialog = true, bool closeBottomSheet = true, String? id, T? result}) → void
Navigation.popUntil() (with predicate) shortcut .

closeAllBottomSheets({String? id}) → void
Closes all open bottom sheets.
closeAllDialogs({String? id}) → void
Closes all open dialogs.
closeAllDialogsAndBottomSheets(String? id) → void
Closes all open dialogs and bottom sheets.
closeAllOverlays() Future<void>
Closes all open overlays (dialogs, bottom sheets, and snackbars).
closeAllSnackbars() Future<void>
A function to close all active snackbars.
closeCurrentSnackbar() Future<void>
A function to close the currently displayed snackbar, if any.
closeOverlay({String? id}) → void
Closes the topmost overlay (dialog or bottom sheet) using the given delegate key.
delegate<TDelegate extends RouterDelegate<TPage>, TPage>() → TDelegate?
Casts the stored router delegate to a desired type
forceAppUpdate() Future<void>
As a rule, Flutter knows which widget to update, so this command is rarely needed. We can mention situations where you use const so that widgets are not updated with setState, but you want it to be forcefully updated when an event like language change happens. using context to make the widget dirty for performRebuild() is a viable solution. However, in situations where this is not possible, or at least, is not desired by the developer, the only solution for updating widgets that Flutter does not want to update is to use reassemble to forcibly rebuild all widgets. Attention: calling this function will reconstruct the application from the sketch, use this with caution. Your entire application will be rebuilt, and touch events will not work until the end of rendering.
nestedKey(String? key) GetDelegate<T>?
Function to retrieve a nested delegate by its key.
off(Widget page(), {bool? opaque, Transition? transition, Curve? curve, bool? popGesture, String? id, String? routeName, T? arguments, List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const <BindingsInterface>[], bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool preventDuplicates = true, Duration? duration, double gestureWidth(BuildContext context)?}) Future<T?>?
Navigation.pushReplacement() shortcut .

offAll(Widget page(), {bool predicate(GetPage)?, bool? opaque, bool? popGesture, String? id, String? routeName, T? arguments, List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const <BindingsInterface>[], bool fullscreenDialog = false, Transition? transition, Curve? curve, Duration? duration, double gestureWidth(BuildContext context)?}) Future<T?>?
Push a page and pop several pages in the stack until predicate returns true. predicate is optional
offAllNamed(String newRouteName, {T? arguments, String? id, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>?
Navigation.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil() shortcut.

offAndToNamed(String page, {T? arguments, String? id, T? result, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>?
Navigation.popAndPushNamed() shortcut.

offNamed(String page, {T? arguments, String? id, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>?
Navigation.pushReplacementNamed() shortcut.

offNamedUntil(String page, bool predicate(GetPage)?, {String? id, T? arguments, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>?
Navigation.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil() shortcut.

offUntil(Widget page(), bool predicate(GetPage), [Object? arguments, String? id]) Future<T?>
Navigates off until a page that satisfies the given predicate is found.
removeRoute(String name, {String? id}) → void
Navigation.removeRoute() shortcut.

searchDelegate(String? k) GetDelegate<T>
Function to search for a delegate by its route id.
to(Widget page(), {bool? opaque, Transition? transition, Curve? curve, Duration? duration, String? id, String? routeName, bool fullscreenDialog = false, T? arguments, List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const <BindingsInterface>[], bool preventDuplicates = true, bool? popGesture, bool showCupertinoParallax = true, double gestureWidth(BuildContext context)?, bool rebuildStack = true, PreventDuplicateHandlingMode preventDuplicateHandlingMode = PreventDuplicateHandlingMode.reorderRoutes}) Future<T?>?
Navigation.push() shortcut.

toNamed(String page, {T? arguments, String? id, bool preventDuplicates = true, Map<String, String>? parameters}) Future<T?>?
Navigation.pushNamed() shortcut.

until(bool predicate(GetPage), {String? id}) → void
Navigation.popUntil() shortcut.

updateLocale(Locale l) Future<void>
Asynchronously updates the application locale and forces an update.