delete<S> method

bool delete<S>({
  1. String? tag,
  2. String? key,
  3. bool force = false,

Delete registered Class Instance S (or tag) and, closes any open controllers DisposableInterface, cleans up the memory

/// Deletes the Instance<S>, cleaning the memory. Deletes the Instance<S>, cleaning the memory and closes any open controllers (DisposableInterface).

  • tag Optional "tag" used to register the Instance
  • key For internal usage, is the processed key used to register the Instance. don't use it unless you know what you are doing.
  • force Will delete an Instance even if marked as permanent.


//  ///
//  /// - [tag] Optional "tag" used to register the Instance
//  /// - [key] For internal usage, is the processed key used to register
//  ///   the Instance. **don't use** it unless you know what you are doing.

/// Deletes the Instance<[S]>, cleaning the memory and closes any open
/// controllers (`DisposableInterface`).
/// - [tag] Optional "tag" used to register the Instance
/// - [key] For internal usage, is the processed key used to register
///   the Instance. **don't use** it unless you know what you are doing.
/// - [force] Will delete an Instance even if marked as `permanent`.
bool delete<S>({String? tag, String? key, bool force = false}) {
  final String newKey = key ?? _getKey(S, tag);

  if (!_singl.containsKey(newKey)) {
    Get.log('Instance "$newKey" already removed.', isError: true);
    return false;

  final _InstanceBuilderFactory<T> dep =
      _singl[newKey]! as _InstanceBuilderFactory<T>;

  final _InstanceBuilderFactory<T> builder;
  if (dep.isDirty) {
    builder = dep.lateRemove ?? dep;
  } else {
    builder = dep;

  if (builder.permanent && !force) {
      '"$newKey" has been marked as permanent, SmartManagement is not authorized to delete it.',
      isError: true,
    return false;
  final S? i = builder.dependency as S?;

  if (i is GetxServiceMixin && !force) {
    return false;

  if (i is GetLifeCycleMixin) {
    Get.log('"$newKey" onDelete() called');

  if (builder.fenix) {
    builder.dependency = null;
    builder.isInit = false;
    return true;
  } else {
    if (dep.lateRemove != null) {
      dep.lateRemove = null;
      Get.log('"$newKey" deleted from memory');
      return false;
    } else {
      if (_singl.containsKey(newKey)) {
        Get.log('Error removing object "$newKey"', isError: true);
      } else {
        Get.log('"$newKey" deleted from memory');
      return true;