PageArgExt extension

Extension methods for BuildContext to provide convenient access to page-related information.

These extension methods facilitate accessing page settings, arguments, parameters, router information, and delegate within a build context.

Example usage:

final settings = context.settings;
final pageSettings = context.pageSettings;
final arguments = context.arguments;
final params = context.params;
final router = context.router;
final location = context.location;
final delegate = context.delegate;


arguments → dynamic
Retrieves the arguments associated with the current modal route's settings.
no setter
delegate GetDelegate
Retrieves the delegate associated with the current router.
no setter
location String
Retrieves the location (path) associated with the current build context.
no setter
pageSettings PageSettings?
Retrieves the PageSettings associated with the current modal route's settings arguments.
no setter
params Map<String, String>
Retrieves the parameters associated with the current modal route's settings arguments.
no setter
router Router
Retrieves the Router associated with the current build context.
no setter
settings RouteSettings?
Retrieves the route settings associated with the current modal route.
no setter