cleanRouteName function
Takes a route name
String generated by to
, off
, offAll
(and similar context navigation methods), cleans the extra chars and
accommodates the format.
This function cleans and formats the route name string to adhere to a more appealing URL naming convention, such as kebab case.
void main() {
String routeName = "() => MyHomeScreenView";
String cleanedRoute = cleanRouteName(routeName);
print(cleanedRoute); // Output: '/my-home-screen-view'
In the above example, the cleanRouteName
function takes a route name
string generated by context navigation methods, removes any extra characters,
converts it to kebab case, and prepends a forward slash if necessary.
The cleaned route name is then returned.
String cleanRouteName(String name) {
name = name.replaceAll('() => ', '');
// Convert the route name to kebab case
// name = name.paramCase!;
if (!name.startsWith('/')) {
name = '/$name';
// Optionally, parse the route name as a URI and convert it to a string
return Uri.tryParse(name)?.toString() ?? name;