offNamedUntil<T> method
Navigation.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil() shortcut.
Push the given named page
, and then pop several pages in the stack
until predicate
returns true
You can send any type of value to the other route in the arguments
is for when you are using nested navigation,
as explained in documentation
can be used like this:
Get.offNamedUntil(page, ModalRoute.withName('/home'))
to pop routes in stack until home,
or like this:
Get.offNamedUntil((route) => !Get.isDialogOpen())
to make sure the dialog is closed
Note: Always put a slash on the route name ('/page1'), to avoid unexpected errors
Future<T?>? offNamedUntil<T>(
String page,
bool Function(GetPage<dynamic>)? predicate, {
String? id,
dynamic arguments,
Map<String, String>? parameters,
}) {
if (parameters != null) {
final Uri uri = Uri(path: page, queryParameters: parameters);
page = uri.toString();
return searchDelegate(id).offNamedUntil<T>(
predicate: predicate,
id: id,
arguments: arguments,
parameters: parameters,