isEquivalent method

bool isEquivalent(
  1. TypeInfo other

Checks for equivalence, if the instances are similar:

  • Object and dynamic are equivalent.
  • A type without arguments will be the equivalent of one with only dynamic and Object arguments.

NOTE: Equality from operator == will check if other is exactly the same.


bool isEquivalent(TypeInfo other) {
  if (identical(this, other)) return true;

  if (_typeWrapper != other._typeWrapper) {
    if (_typeWrapper.isDynamicOrObject &&
        other._typeWrapper.isDynamicOrObject) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  var args1 = _arguments;
  var args2 = other._arguments;

  if (args1.isEmpty) {
    return args2.where((e) => !e.isDynamic && !e.isObject).isEmpty;
  } else if (args2.isEmpty) {
    return args1.where((e) => !e.isDynamic && !e.isObject).isEmpty;
  } else {
    return _listEquivalencyTypeInfo.equals(args1, args2);