decodeAsync<T> method

FutureOr<T> decodeAsync<T>(
  1. FutureOr<String> encodedJson, {
  2. Type? type,
  3. TypeInfo? typeInfo,
  4. bool duplicatedEntitiesAsID = false,
  5. bool? autoResetEntityCache,

Decodes encodedJson to a JSON collection/data allowing async calls (Future and FutureOr).


FutureOr<T> decodeAsync<T>(FutureOr<String> encodedJson,
    {Type? type,
    TypeInfo? typeInfo,
    bool duplicatedEntitiesAsID = false,
    bool? autoResetEntityCache}) {
  return decoder.decodeAsync<T>(encodedJson,
      type: type,
      typeInfo: typeInfo,
      duplicatedEntitiesAsID: duplicatedEntitiesAsID,
      autoResetEntityCache: autoResetEntityCache);