reflectType method
Returns a mirror of the given type type
In the case where
is a parameterized type, i.e., a generic class which has
been applied to a list of actual type arguments, the returned mirror
will have no declared type variables, but it has a list of actual
type arguments. If a mirror of the generic class as such is needed,
it can be obtained from originalDeclaration
. That mirror will
have no actual type arguments, but it will have declared type
variables. Other types than classes are not (yet) supported.
TypeMirror reflectType(Type type) {
TypeMirror? result = data[this]!.typeMirrorForType(type);
if (result == null || !_hasTypeCapability) {
throw NoSuchCapabilityError(
'Reflecting on type `$type` without capability');
return result;