RefineryAdFactory class abstract interface

API exposing creation and management of ad widgets.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


createBanner({required String configurationId, BannerEventListener? lifecycleCallbacks}) Widget
Creates a banner type ad widget. Banner is a fixed size static ad. First, we cache the ad, load it, and when it loads, we display it.
createInfiniteScroll({required String configurationId, InfiniteScrollEventListener? lifecycleCallbacks}) int
Returns an infiniteScrollId that should be used next by getInfiniteScrollAdForIndex method to create a ad widget, the infiniteScrollId serves as a group id for the advertisements inside the scrollable widget, such as ListView, GridView, and other sliver based scrolls.
createInterstitial({required String configurationId, R89VoidCallback? afterInterstitial, InterstitialEventListener? lifecycleCallbacks}) Future<int>
Creates and displays an Interstitial ad on top of flutter's host screen. You can also configure what to do after the Interstitial in afterInterstitial.
createTag({required String tag, Widget? child, int? itemIndex, Key? key}) Widget
This widget places the advertisement by using the provided tag and route name according to predefined advertisement configurations for a screen and a tag.
createVideoOutStreamBanner({required String configurationId, BannerEventListener? lifecycleCallbacks}) Widget
Create a video banner (OutStream) type ad widget. Video banner (OutStream) is a fixed size video ad. First, we cache the ad, load it, and when it loads, we display it.
destroyInterstitial(int id) Future<void>
This method destroys the interstitial for a given interstitialId, see RefineryAdFactory.createInterstitial method.
getInfiniteScrollAdForIndex({required int infiniteScrollId, required int itemIndex, BannerEventListener? lifecycleCallbacks}) Widget
Creates Ad widget or an empty widget SizedBox.shrink(), depending from provided itemIndex, by that the SDK will automatically decides whether to display an ad for a given position or not. infiniteScrollId is a group id of the advertisements inside the scrollable widget, and can be get by using createInfiniteScroll method.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
showInterstitial(int id) Future<void>
This method displays the interstitial for a given interstitialId, see RefineryAdFactory.createInterstitial method.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.