HFCreateReferralWrapperRoute class

generated route for _i1.HFCreateReferralWrapperPage


HFCreateReferralWrapperRoute({Key? key, required String projectId, bool viewOnly = false, HFReferralModel? referralReconciliation, required List<String> cycles, List<PageRouteInfo>? children})


args HFCreateReferralWrapperRouteArgs?
The typed arguments of the route
flattened List<PageRouteInfo>
Returns a flattened list of this route and it's sub-routes e.g if we have = Route1[Route2Route3] the result is Route1,Route2,Route3
no setterinherited
fragment String
The fragment of the Uri.fragment
fromRedirect bool
Whether is route is redirected from other route
no setterinherited
hasChildren bool
Whether this route has initial child routes
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initialChildren List<PageRouteInfo>?
The list of initial route entries to be matched by the sub-router when it's created
pathParams → Parameters
Builds and returns a new instance of Parameters with rawPathParams
no setterinherited
queryParams → Parameters
Builds and returns a new instance of Parameters with rawQueryParams
no setterinherited
rawPathParams Map<String, dynamic>
Route page parameters can be marked as a PathParam, and when this entity is generated it generates a corresponding parameter that's passed to this map so it can be used to build the url later on
rawQueryParams Map<String, dynamic>
Route page parameters can be marked as a QueryParam, and when this entity is generated it generates a corresponding parameter that's passed to this map so it can be used to build the url later on
redirectedFrom String?
Takes the value of RouteMatch.redirectedFrom this is only populated it's build from match PageRouteInfo.fromMatch
routeName String
The name of the route
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


copyWith({String? name, String? path, HFCreateReferralWrapperRouteArgs? args, RouteMatch? match, Map<String, dynamic>? params, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParams, List<PageRouteInfo>? children, String? fragment}) → PageRouteInfo
Returns a new instance with the provided overrides
match(BuildContext context) → RouteMatch?
Returns the match result of this route which internally calls router.matcher.matchByRoute
Calls StackRouter.navigate with this route on the nearest router
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
push<E>(BuildContext context) Future<E?>
Calls StackRouter.push with this route on the nearest router
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


name → const String
page → const PageInfo<HFCreateReferralWrapperRouteArgs>