
pub package ci License: MIT

Provides extension getters to use Riverpod and Refena at the same time.

Checkout Refena for Riverpod developers for more information.

// Riverpod -> Refena

// Refena -> Riverpod


➤ Setup

Add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml:

# pubspec.yaml
  flutter_riverpod: <version>
  refena_flutter: <version>
  refena_riverpod_extension: <version>

Wrap your app with RefenaRiverpodExtension (below RefenaScope and ProviderScope):

void main() {
      child: RefenaScope(
        child: RefenaRiverpodExtension(
          child: MyApp(),

➤ Access Riverpod from Refena

Let's say you have a StateProvider written in Riverpod:

final riverpodCounterProvider = StateProvider((ref) => 0);

Then you can access it from Refena by using the Ref.riverpod getter:

final refenaProvider = ViewProvider((ref) {
  // This is reactive!
  // The refenaProvider will be rebuilt when the riverpodCounterProvider changes.
  final counter = ref.riverpod.watch(riverpodCounterProvider);
  return counter.state;

➤ Access Refena from Riverpod

Let's say you have a ReduxProvider written in Refena:

final counterProvider = ReduxProvider<Counter, int>((ref) => Counter());

class Counter extends ReduxNotifier<int> {
  int init() => 10;

class AddAction extends ReduxAction<Counter, int> {
  final int amount;
  int reduce() => state + amount;

Then you can access it by using the Ref.refena getter:

final riverpodProvider = Provider((ref) {
  // There is no reactive way to access Refena from Riverpod.
  return ref.refena.read(counterProvider);

final riverpodProvider2 = NotifierProvider<RiverpodCounter, int>(() {
  return RiverpodCounter();

class RiverpodCounter extends Notifier<int> {
  int build() => 0;
  void dispatch(int amount) {
    // We can dispatch actions to Refena from Riverpod.