dispatchAsyncWithResult<R> method

  1. @internal
  2. @nonVirtual
Future<(HomePageState, R)> dispatchAsyncWithResult<R>(
  1. BaseAsyncReduxActionWithResult<BaseReduxNotifier<HomePageState>, HomePageState, R> action, {
  2. String? debugOrigin,
  3. LabeledReference? debugOriginRef,

Dispatches an asynchronous action and updates the state. Returns the new state along with the result of the action.

For library consumers, use:

  • BaseReduxAction.external to dispatch external actions.
  • external to dispatch external actions inside the notifier.
  • redux to dispatch internal actions inside the notifier.


Future<(T, R)> dispatchAsyncWithResult<R>(
  BaseAsyncReduxActionWithResult<BaseReduxNotifier<T>, T, R> action, {
  String? debugOrigin,
  LabeledReference? debugOriginRef,
}) {
  return _dispatchAsyncWithResult<R>(
    debugOrigin: debugOrigin,
    debugOriginRef: debugOriginRef,