StreamProviderNotifier<T> class final

The corresponding notifier of a StreamProvider.

Implemented types
Mixed in types


StreamProviderNotifier(Stream<T> _builder(WatchableRef ref), {String describeState(AsyncValue<T> state)?})


customDebugLabel String?
Override this to provide a custom debug label.
no setterinherited
debugLabel String
A label to be used in debug messages and by the RefenaTracingPage.
no setterinherited
dependencies Set<BaseNotifier>
A collection of notifiers that this notifier depends on.
dependents Set<BaseNotifier>
A collection of notifiers that depend on this notifier. They will be disposed when this notifier is disposed.
disposed bool
Whether this notifier is disposed.
no setterinherited
future Future<T>
Waits for the next value of the stream.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isWidget bool
Whether this Rebuildable is an ElementRebuildable. This is a workaround for the fact that ElementRebuildable is in refena_flutter so we cannot refer it from here.
no setterinherited
provider → BaseProvider<BaseNotifier<AsyncValue<T>>, AsyncValue<T>>?
The provider that created this notifier. This is only available after the initialization.
no setterinherited
requireBuildContext bool
If this is true, initializing must be done by ViewModelBuilder of the refena_flutter package. This flag is needed to throw an exception if the user forgets to use ViewModelBuilder.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
state AsyncValue<T>
Gets the current state.
getter/setter pairinherited


addListener(Rebuildable rebuildable, ListenerConfig<AsyncValue<T>> config) → void
cleanupListeners() → void
describeState(AsyncValue<T> state) String
Override this to provide a customized description of the state. This is used by the built-in observers for improved logging.
dispose() → void
This is called on Ref.dispose. You can override this method to dispose resources.
getListeners() List<Rebuildable>
getStream() Stream<NotifierEvent<AsyncValue<T>>>
init() AsyncValue<T>
Initializes the state of the notifier. This method is called only once and as soon as the notifier is accessed the first time.
internalSetup(ProxyRef ref, BaseProvider<BaseNotifier<AsyncValue<T>>, AsyncValue<T>>? provider) → void
Handles the actual initialization of the notifier. Calls init internally.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListenerTarget(BaseNotifier notifier) → void
Only for ElementRebuildable. Noop for others. Notifies that a new BaseNotifier is being listened. This should be called within a build method so it can unwatch old notifiers in the next microtask.
onDisposeWidget() → void
Only for ElementRebuildable. Noop for others. Allows for further cleanup logic.
postInit() → void
Override this to provide a custom post initialization. The initial state is already set at this point.
rebuild(ChangeEvent? changeEvent, RebuildEvent? rebuildEvent) → void
Schedules a rebuild in the next microtask.
rebuildImmediately(LabeledReference debugOrigin) Stream<T>
Rebuilds the notifier immediately.
removeListener(Rebuildable rebuildable) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateShouldNotify(AsyncValue<T> prev, AsyncValue<T> next) bool
Override this if you want to a different kind of equality.


operator ==(Object other) bool
Subclasses should not override this method. It is used internally by dependencies and dependents.