Retry function

Call Retry(
  1. Function fn, {
  2. List? args,
  3. Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
  4. Function? Catch,
  5. Function? Finally,
  6. int? maxTries,
  7. Duration? duration,
  8. String? name,
  9. Result? result,

Creates an Effect description that instructs the middleware to call the function fn with args and namedArgs as arguments. In case of failure will try to make another call after a duration, if a number of attempts < maxTries.

  • maxTries is maximum calls count.

  • duration is length of a time window between fn calls.

  • fn is a Generator function, or normal function which either returns a Promise as a result, or any other value.

  • args and namedArgs are values to be passed as arguments to fn


In the following example, we create a basic task RetrySaga. We use retry to try to fetch our API 3 times with 10 second interval. If request fails first time than retry will call request one more time while calls count less than 3.,

 import 'package:redux_saga/redux_saga.dart';
 import 'Api.dart';


 retrySaga(data) sync* {
   yield Try(() sync* {
     var response = Result();
     yield Retry(
       args: [data],
       maxTries: 3,
       duration: Duration(seconds: 10),
       result: response,
     yield Put(RequestSuccess(payload: response.value));
   }, Catch: (e, s) sync* {
     yield Put(RequestFail(payload: e));

Note that, retry is a high-level API built using Delay and Call.


Call Retry(Function fn,
    {List<dynamic>? args,
    Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
    Function? Catch,
    Function? Finally,
    int? maxTries,
    Duration? duration,
    String? name,
    Result? result}) {
  return Call(_Retry,
      args: <dynamic>[fn],
      namedArgs: <Symbol, dynamic>{
        #args: args,
        #namedArgs: namedArgs,
        #maxTries: maxTries,
        #duration: duration,
        #name: name,
        #result: result
      Catch: Catch,
      Finally: Finally);