multiAndExec method

Future multiAndExec(
  1. Future func(
    1. dynamic Transation

multiAndExec takes function to complete CAS as Transaction passed function takes Transaction as only parameter and should be used to complete transaction

!!! DO NOT call exec() on Transaction


Future multiAndExec(Future func(Transation)) {
  return _cmd.multi().then((Transaction _trans) {
    return _trans.exec().then((var resp) {
      if (resp == "OK") {
        _completer_bool.complete(false); //terminate Future.doWhile
      } else {
        // exec completes only with valid response
            RedisError("exec response is not expected, but is $resp"));
    }).catchError((e) {
      // dont do anything
      _completer_bool.complete(true); // retry
    }, test: (e) => e is TransactionError);