checkAll<T extends AbsNodeType>(TreeType<T> tree)
→ bool
checkAll for this tree (from current node to bottom)
uncheckALl<T extends AbsNodeType>(TreeType<T> tree)
→ bool
for this tree (from current node to bottom)
updateAllUnavailableNodes<T extends AbsNodeType>(TreeType<T> tree)
→ bool
This function is used to update all unavailable nodes of current tree.
updateTreeMultipleChoice<T extends AbsNodeType>(TreeType<T> tree, bool? chosenValue, {bool isUpdatingParentRecursion = false, bool isThisLazyTree = false})
→ void
updateTreeMultipleChoice when choose/un-choose a node:
updateTreeSingleChoice<T extends AbsNodeType>(TreeType<T> tree, bool chosenValue)
→ void
The tree is single choice, not multiple choice. Only leaf can be chosen.
updateTreeSingleChoiceDms4<T extends AbsNodeType>(TreeType<T> tree, bool chosenValue)
→ void
The tree is single choice, not multiple choice. Viettel DMS.4 customized
version: Every node can be chosen, so
is never null.
updateTreeWithSearchingTitle<T extends AbsNodeType>(TreeType<T> tree, String searchingText, {bool willBlurParent = false, bool willAllExpanded = false})
→ void
Update field
of every node based on searching text.