experimental library

A collection of ReArch experiments in case you like exploring the unknown.

Nothing here is officially supported; items may come and go or experience breaking changes on any new release. Further, items here may be untested so use at your own risk!


DynamicOrchestrator<Param, Return>
Orchestrates a set of dynamic capsules. See ExperimentalSideEffects.dynamic for more.


DynamicCapsuleAccess on DynamicCapsule<Param, Return>
Allows you to read dynamic capsules.
DynamicCapsuleCreationConvenience on CapsuleCreationConvenience
Provides dynamic.
ExperimentalSideEffects on SideEffectRegistrar
A collection of experimental side effects to complement the BuiltinSideEffects.


CapsuleCreationConvenience = Capsule<T> Function<T>(Capsule<T> )
This is public so that you may define your own extensions on capsule.
DynamicCapsule<Param, Return> = Capsule<DynamicOrchestrator<Param, Return>>
Shorthand for dynamic capsules, which are Capsules whose data are DynamicOrchestrators.