GM Consult Pty Ltd

A simple implementation of The Bored API .

This is a simple DART implementation of the Bored API we built to test our core dart libraries.

It is by no means intended as a full API implementation.



The Bored API helps you find things to do when you're bored! There are fields like the number of participants, activity type, and more that help you narrow down your results (unashamedly plagiarized from the Bored Api page on the InterWeb).

If you don't know what bored means (or you are, indeed, bored), check out the definition of bored!

We provide a few static methods that asynchronously returns an activity from the API based on parameters, or just go for Bored.random.

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In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  really_bored: <latest_version>

In your code file add the following import:

import 'package:really_bored/really_bored.dart';

Just go for Bored.random:

  activity = await Bored.random;

Or get an activity using parameters:

  activity = await Bored.kitchenSink(
      minPrice: 0.2, maxPrice: 1.0, minAccessibility: 0.6, participants: 2);

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Full API documentation, sort of...

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  • bored - feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity (Oxford English Dictionary).

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We got bored (sic) testing this. If you find a bug please fill an issue.

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This is a simple DART implementation of the Bored API we built to test our core dart libraries. It is by no means intended as a full API implementation.