RulerThemeData constructor

  1. RulerSide? notchSide,
  2. RulerSide? numberSide,
  3. bool? showBase,
  4. double? numberSpacing,
  5. TextStyle? numberTextStyle,
  6. double? notchScaleFactor,
  7. Color? notchColor,
  8. double? thickness,


factory RulerThemeData({
  /// The side of the ruler where the notches are aligned.
  RulerSide? notchSide,

  /// Text Side above or below the ruler in horizontal mode
  /// and left or right in vertical mode
  RulerSide? numberSide,

  /// show base at the end of [notchSide]
  bool? showBase,

  /// The spacing between the notch and the number.
  double? numberSpacing,

  /// The text style of notch.
  TextStyle? numberTextStyle,

  /// The scale factor of the notch length.
  double? notchScaleFactor,

  /// The color of the notch (line).
  Color? notchColor,

  /// The thickness of the notch (line).
  double? thickness,
}) = _RulerThemeData;