NumExtensions extension



compact([String? locale]) String
format number with intl compact format
compactCurrency({String? locale, String? name, String? symbol, int? decimalDigits, String? customPattern}) String
format number with intl compactCurrency format
compactLong([String? locale]) String
format number with intl compactLong format
compactSimpleCurrency({String? locale, String? name, int? decimalDigits}) String
format number with intl compactSimpleCurrency format
currency({String? locale, String? name, String? symbol, int? decimalDigits, String? customPattern}) String
format number with intl currency format
decimalPattern([String? locale]) String
format number with intl decimalPattern format
decimalPercentPattern({String? locale, int? decimalDigits}) String
format number with intl decimalPercentPattern format
format(String format) String
format the current number using NumberFormat ex. #.0#
formatWith(NumberFormat format) String
format the current number using NumberFormat
noTrailing({int? fractionDigits, bool grouping = true, String? locale}) String
remove trailing zeros from the number ex: 15.00 => 15 if fractionDigits is specified ex noTrailing(2) 15.5 => 15.50 15.500 => 15.50 15.00 => 15.00
percentPattern([String? locale]) String
format number with intl percentPattern format
scientificPattern([String? locale]) String
format number with intl scientificPattern format
simpleCurrency({String? locale, String? name, int? decimalDigits}) String
format number with intl simpleCurrency format