Before you start if you need to use localizations you have to add package delegate to your material app
return MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: [
...other delegates
home: MyApplicationHome(),
-> supported locales are ar
-> if you need to add other language feel free to send its arb file like this one
how to use
1- all extensions in ready_extensions_dart are included 2- in addition to it there another extensions
duration extension
in package ready_extensions_dart
there is an extension called format for Duration
now you can use translated messages
color extensions
/// This will return the lighter color of current
/// amount must be between 0 & 1
Color lighten([double amount = 0.1]);
/// This will return the darker color of current
/// amount must be between 0 & 1
Color darken([double amount = 0.1]);
DateTime extensions
/// Format date with DateFormat.d intl format
String d(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.E intl format
String E(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.EEEE intl format
String EEEE(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.LLL intl format
String LLL(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.LLLL intl format
String LLLL(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.M intl format
String M(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.Md intl format
String Md(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.MEd intl format
String MEd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.MMM intl format
String MMM(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.MMMd intl format
String MMMd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.MMMEd intl format
String MMMEd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.MMMM intl format
String MMMM(BuildContext context)
/// Format date with DateFormat.MMMd intl format
String MMMMd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.MMMMEEEEd intl format
String MMMMEEEEd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.QQQ intl format
String QQQ(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.QQQQ intl format
String QQQQ(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.y intl format
String y(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yM intl format
String yM(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yMd intl format
String yMd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yMEd intl format
String yMEd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yMMM intl format
String yMMM(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yMMMd intl format
String yMMMd(BuildContext context) ;
/// Format date with DateFormat.yMMMEd intl format
String yMMMEd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yMMMM intl format
String yMMMM(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yMMMMd intl format
String yMMMMd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yMMMMEEEEd intl format
String yMMMMEEEEd(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yQQQ intl format
String yQQQ(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.yQQQQ intl format
String yQQQQ(BuildContext context) ;
/// Format date with DateFormat.H intl format
String H(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.Hm intl format
String Hm(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.Hms intl format
String Hms(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.j intl format
String j(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with intl format
String jm(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.jms intl format
String jms(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.m intl format
String m(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with intl format
String ms(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat.s intl format
String s(BuildContext context);
/// Format date with DateFormat(patterns) intl format
String format(BuildContext context, String pattern) ;;
/// If the date did not exceed 24 hours will format jms else will format yMMMEd
String format24(BuildContext context);
string extensions
/// will parse string to time of days
/// example 19:16 or 07:18 pm
TimeOfDay? toTimeOfDay();
/// check the string can be timeousDay
bool get isTimeOfDay;
/// converts string to text widget
Text toTextWidget();